Here is a picture of Maggie and me in matching outfits we had made in time for some festivals this fall. As soon as Maggie saw her outfit, it was as if she knew it was dress-up material. She loved it.
One of Maggie's best friends just had his third birthday party at a local park. His very creative mother put together a "bug" theme, including making all the kids a set of "bug antennae" to wear! This is a picture of Maggie seriously enjoying her antennae.
These two little precious flower girls, after taking their place at the front of the church, sat quietly and perfectly still for the entire ceremony. We have yet to meet any American children who could accomplish this, including our own (whose parents could barely do it). These girls were very sweet and cute!
Our sweet house helper, Say Say, got married last weekend. She invited us to her wedding, and even gave Chad and Maggie Karen outfits to wear to her wedding out in the village. You may have mistaken this pair for another couple of villagers, but it is our very own Chad and Maggie. Maggie had a great time, as always, out in the village.
At the latest festival we went to, the big emphasis seemed to be the free food. At least this is what our friends kept telling us about...and they were right. People were opening up their homes and giving out free food left and right! These men were on the street in front of their homes cooking up these HUGE pots of mohinga to share with visitors. Our family was welcomed inside to have some!
Some of our friends took us to a festival near our home a week or so ago. It was so crowded with people, and everyone seemed to be in such good spirits. We saw very little religious activity, just a lot of people getting together and sharing free food with each other. I got a picture of this little booth because it seemed to be one of the most popular at the festival judging by all the people crowding in around it...they were giving away a type of Indian flatbread that we really enjoy, too.
Okay, so many of you are aware of our crazy move to a new house right before we left to have our new baby! Actually, things worked out great for us. We found a great new house, with air conditioners that actually work pretty much all of the time (as long as we are getting power). By the way, just let us know if you would like to read our "Ode to an Air Conditioner." Anyway, this is a picture of Maggie trying to "help" Daddy move the dresser in our room. Of course, she was torn between helping Daddy and watching her favorite Pooh video. Maybe you had to be there...but it was a pretty funny sight. :)
Okay, this picture is a "just for fun" shot of our baby! Some local friends gave Maggie this doll for her birthday, and she loves is about the same size as she is. On this particular afternoon, she had dragged it into the living room with her to watch one of her shows with her. It was so cute I just had to get a picture!