Thursday, December 13, 2007

Elizabeth Ann's new smile

This little grin is getting to be Elizabeth Ann's little trademark, now that she is getting some teeth on top (at 11 months).

Ready to go!

Just another picture of Alysia and the girls...ready to go out.


Here is Maggie swinging in a little swing our helpers put together for her in the yard. They put the swing together out of a blanket, and climbed high up in the tree to tie it up for her.

Maggie at Deepawali

Deepawali is an Indian holiday celebrated by many in our country. Here, Maggie is dressed up in a sari given to her by some of our friends for her birthday. She felt that this sari was real princess attire and kept calling herself "princess" all night when she wore it. At this dinner celebrating Deepawali, one friend had brought Maggie a mask to play with, and is here demonstrating to her how to use it.

Maggie in dinosaur feet

When Maggie's buddy Adon turned four, he had a dinosaur birthday party. Adon's mom had lots of fun games at the party, including one where the kids did a relay stomping around in "dinosaur feet." Here is Maggie getting her stomps in.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Maggie's birthday

This is a picture of Maggie and a few friends on her third birthday, at her Dora the Explorer birthday party.

This is a picture of Maggie, Alysia, and Elizabeth Ann playing in the ocean at Setse.

Riding in a horse cart

In the areas where we visited in the southern part of our country, it was very common to see people using horse carts to get around. Maggie was very excited to see all the horses everywhere, so I promised to ride one with her. Here we are with a Mon guy riding in a horse was a really neat experience to listen to him speaking in the Mon language, which we had never heard before.

Cows on the beach

This is a picture of Chad on our Moulmein trip. We were very close to the southern coast of our country, so one afternoon we visited Setse beach. I thought it was pretty funny that there were cows running up and down the beach when we got there. Maggie loved getting a chance to see the beach.

Elizabeth Ann at Ebeneezer

This is a picture of Elizabeth Ann, at eight months, in front of Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Moulmein on our recent trip. Adoniram Judson started this church there almost 200 years ago, so it was really neat to get to visit this place.


Elizabeth Ann is trying to walk, and is getting there soon enough!

"Memaw" and "Pepaw"

This is a picture of Maggie and Elizabeth Ann with Memaw and Pepaw from their trip in July. We all went to Maggie's favorite park, where she also had her birthday party.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Maggie and the bubbles

Maggie LOVES to play with bubbles! This is just a short clip of her playing BUBBLES with Chad.

Playing around the house

Just a quick clip of Chad playing with "Baby" and Maggie wanting to play, also.

Elizabeth Ann laughs at four months

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mrs. Jean demonstrates technique

Mrs. Jean showed us how to use all the tools she and the team had brought for all our friends. Everyone really enjoyed learning and having fun together.

Joseph's birthday

This is a shot of Elizabeth Ann at her little budy Joseph's birthday party.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Elizabeth Ann on the couch


One of Maggie's favorite things to do is swim. This is a good thing in a hot climate. We are in the middle of hot season so we often go swimming. This picture is with her best friend in front of our house.
Everytime she sees him, she yells his name and starts dancing.

Alysia and Elizabeth Ann

Elizabeth Ann Plays

Elizabeth Ann loves to sit in her exersaucer. She has been such a joy to have around. She is getting so big. She is already smiling and giggling at us.

The Park

Maggie was thrilled to find that the park we often take her to has added a few rides for the kids. she loves riding and she doesn't want them to stop.


So if you ever wondered why it takes a long time to get from one place to another in our country. This is a prime example. This "taxi" was willing and ready to take us to our next destination, but walking seemed to be more productive.

On the Street

Chad got a chance to meet many people on his trip. One man he met said he was a Hindu Sihk. He was so nice and even offered
to let Chad use his motorbike if he needed. The people of our country are so wonderful. Please remember them.

Temple worship

Chad recently got to visit a couple of cities in the northern part of our country. In this city, he visited a temple while they were worshipping. These people are actually decedents from people in Nepal. The men and women do not worship together, but are separated with women on one side and men on the other.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Our new car

Our old car finally reached the end. We are so excited to now possess this gold beauty. It really has been so great for the kids...with seatbelts, carseats, and everything. It also drives great. Maggie was really excited about the new car. She has even taken to wearing this hat every time we ride in it.

"Baby Trink"

Maggie loves to help with her little sister and check on her all the time. She especially likes to help give her a bottle, or "trink." This is a picture of Maggie giving her "ister" a "trink" in a restaurant in Thailand.

sleepy baby

Here is a picture of our Elizabeth Ann, back home, sleeping on Mom and Dad's bed.