Friday, March 30, 2007

Elizabeth Ann on the couch


One of Maggie's favorite things to do is swim. This is a good thing in a hot climate. We are in the middle of hot season so we often go swimming. This picture is with her best friend in front of our house.
Everytime she sees him, she yells his name and starts dancing.

Alysia and Elizabeth Ann

Elizabeth Ann Plays

Elizabeth Ann loves to sit in her exersaucer. She has been such a joy to have around. She is getting so big. She is already smiling and giggling at us.

The Park

Maggie was thrilled to find that the park we often take her to has added a few rides for the kids. she loves riding and she doesn't want them to stop.


So if you ever wondered why it takes a long time to get from one place to another in our country. This is a prime example. This "taxi" was willing and ready to take us to our next destination, but walking seemed to be more productive.

On the Street

Chad got a chance to meet many people on his trip. One man he met said he was a Hindu Sihk. He was so nice and even offered
to let Chad use his motorbike if he needed. The people of our country are so wonderful. Please remember them.

Temple worship

Chad recently got to visit a couple of cities in the northern part of our country. In this city, he visited a temple while they were worshipping. These people are actually decedents from people in Nepal. The men and women do not worship together, but are separated with women on one side and men on the other.