Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mohinga at home

This is us eating mohinga with our helpers. This is Sai Sai, our house helper. She is very sweet to Maggie. And Saw Etamou, our gardener, is sitting next to Chad. Sai Sai showed me how to make the mohinga. She also came to the market with me, showing me what to buy. She helped me pick out the fish right from the table! Mohinga is not expensive to make, but takes several steps. Maggie was so curious about what we were eating. She may have been the most adventurous of us all!

Monday, February 20, 2006


This is a picture of us in a tuk-tuk in Thailand. The tuk-tuk was one of the main forms of transportation we used while we were in Chiang Mai. They are basically a lot like a covered three-wheeler (ATV). Maggie loved riding in them.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


This picture was taken at a New Year's Eve party we were fortunate to be able to attend. Alysia is holding a bowl of one of the favorite national foods, mohinga. It is basically a lot like a soup, and it is served over a bed of noodles. The base of mohinga is made by boiling a fish. It also includes a variety of local items, including ginger, garlic, onion, banana stem, "smelly gourd," and duck egg.