Friday, December 16, 2005

See if you can spot the redhead

In the back of this picture there is a little red-headed girl! When we go to the market, Maggie always attracts a lot of attention. People here are so kind to Maggie. We often leave the market with many "presents" people have given Maggie...ranging from a fan she has grabbed for, to a little orange, to even a tube of lipstick. So many people at the market have such soft hearts and are so delighted when anything Maggie is playing with makes her happy. When someone wants to hold her, Maggie holds out those chubby little arms and off she goes. Shop ladies whisk her into their shops, and many times a contest begins over who can make Maggie smile. In this picture, a crowd is gathered around Maggie while she is visiting inside a snack shop at the market. Maggie has a great time, and it warms Momma's heart to see people who are so sweet to her baby.

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