Friday, April 07, 2006

PaO worship at Ketku

While up north, we also had the chance to attend a huge festival held by the PaO people. The traditional dress of the PaO is the long, black garment and brightly colored "gaung-baung" (headwrap) you see here. It was very interesting to see so many people in this traditional dress. The festival spanned at least three days, and at night we were able to see a talent show. Villagers from all over the Shan state had practiced traditional singing and dancing, and performed for all of their people. In the morning, worshippers visited this temple, often having traveled many miles with their offerings. The importance of the religious aspect of the festival shows the strong influence Buddhism has on the daily lives of the people. Thousands and thousands traveled to worship. It was a sobering sight to observe so many without the hope we have, speaking a language which so few of our brothers and sisters even understand. The frontier remains.

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