Monday, June 19, 2006

His strength made perfect

We really love this picture. This picture was made at our gardener, Saw Etamu's wedding (Saw Etamu is standing next to Chad). Take a second and compare us to the people surrounding us. We really laughed when we first saw this picture...this is a great look at what we look like in the middle of the people least a head taller than most people we meet. We certainly stand out...not just because of our height, but because of a little pale-skinned, red-haired girl who is always with us, our language differences, and a number of things about which we are still learning! As we first looked at this picture, we thought, "What a beautiful picture of His strength made perfect in our weakness!" The One we serve is able to cross ANY barrier to glorify His name. Where we are weak, He is made strong! We are so priveleged to witness His miracles. We believe it is truly a miracle that He is able to use us, who are so different from the people we want to befriend. But pr--se Him! We see Him work this miracle anytime someone grasps a foreign concept, or is willing to befriend us, or welcomes us into their culture. We are truly priveleged to stand by and see His mighty works like these all the time. May He be glorified all the more in our weaknesses, and we will continue to boast in our weakness!

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